The Travelin' Croakers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hotel Rates Came Down Yay!

Checked the rates at Embassy Suites and they had come down from $315.00/$255.00 to $295.00/$205.00, so I called and they adjusted those for me. Called my Brother-in-Law to tell him to call, and he did, and he got even cheaper rates. So I checked again, and yes, they have come down to $275.00/$175.00 now, so I called and got that adjustment. (That is the Canadian price, so even cheaper for the US Dollar.)

Anyway, that's a savings of about $120.00 total, which is great! I've never had that happen before.

When I checked the other day, the Country Inn & Suites was the same price as when I'd booked, but, just for the heck of it I checked again today and that price has also came down. The same room I had booked was about $10.00 night cheaper, but they have the same room with a Sweet Deal that makes the room about $24 per night cheaper. So I called and got the adjustment, and viola', another approx. $120.00 savings. Wow!

PS, the plane tickets did come down cheaper after I bought ours, but they don't give refunds. I emailed and asked anyway, just for the heck of it, and got an email back saying they give price differences in the form of credits on future reservations, and something about charging a fee for changes to reservations, and at any rate, they don't price compare with other websites, only their own, and they didn't show any price reductions on their website. Ohhhh liarrrrrr.

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